nWhat is it and how does it work
nWhat Specific Benefits can clouds bring to my organization.
nCan I depend on clouds to save my organization money
nHow will clouds affect the way my organization competes?
nWhat risks must my organization manage?
nWhat are my next steps?
Definitions (1)
nBusiness Process outsourcing (BPO)
The contracting of the operations and responsibilities of specific business functions or process to a third party. Typical outsourcing services includes finance and accounting and customer-related Services Such as contact center services. (1) Tas, J and Sunder, S Financial Services Business Process Outsourcing, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 4, No. 5, 2004.
nInformation System
Uses information technology to support business operations, management and decision making. Information systems help to control the performance of business processes.
(2) Software Engineering Institute. Carnegie Mellon, Appendix: Glossary. 2007.
Intelligent DDoS mitigation system. A layered defense strategy that protects against cyber attacks.
Definitions (2)
nInformation Systems
An academic/professional discipline bridging the business field and computer science. Information systems are focused on processing information within organizations and especially business enterprises. (3) Hoganson, Ken. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges. 17(20 313-325. December 2001.
Internal outsourcing of computer or internal work such as programming to other companies. It is used in reference to business processing outsourcing or BPO which is the outsourcing of the work that does not require much of technical skills.
Definitions (3)
nKnowledge Processing Outsourcing.
“KPO services involve more advanced services than business process outsourcing. These may include intellectual property services that demand advanced information search, analytical interpretation and technical skills. KPO services provide higher returns than BPO services. (4) http://KPO Services. Itmatchonline.com
nSemantic technology
Narrowly defined a family of W3C sanctioned standards and tools that create meaningful relationships between disparate online resources (data, people, anything of use) rather than just documents.
Broadly defined, anything that makes meaning and relationships explicit. This could be a taxonomy or thesaurus, advanced metadata, automatic classification, or entity extraction.(5) http://blogs.gartner.dot com/darin-steward/2011/0311