台湾 1, 135 3. Taiwan 台湾 1,348
4. Germany 德国 506 4. Germany 德国 1, 070
5. Canada 加拿大 484 5. South Korea 韩国 769
6. United Kingdom 英国 372 6. United Kingdom 英国 665
7. Hong Kong 香港 368 7. China 中国 645
8. France 法国 338 8. France 法国 635
9. Italy 意大利 247 9. Italy 意大利 586
10. Sweden 瑞典 160 10. Sweden 瑞典 439
China 中国 42
Howard, Jason. “Power in Numbers: Qualitative Technological Perspectives from the United States Patent and Trademark Office”. Unpublished paper, North Carolina Central University, April 25, 2011.
Digital Business Models
nSome digital business models may be so innovative that they overwhelm the existing regulatory mechanism.*
nRegulatory policies that were developed in response to nineteenth or twentieth century antitrust concerns dept principally with economies of scale leading to monopoly power and may not be well suited to the issues of network effects on third party payer online business models.*
nThey were made for already established world pre 1940 world powers.
Jeanne G. Harris and Allan E. Alter. Accenture Institute for High Performance. Research Note. January 10, 2010. |