outlineof the speech:
Riding the Outsourcing Wave – A Growth Strategy for China
Let’s begin by understanding “Improvement”, outlineof the speech “Innovation” & “Disruptive Innovation”
How China fares amongst its peers in the Industry…
BPO Landscape in China
Government has taken several Pro active steps to encourage competitiveness…
China has several factors working in its favor…
While China is poised to ride the Outsourcing Wave and has got the necessary government support and demographics working in its favor…
…. however there are certain key challenges which need to be addressed else China will fail to fully leverage its potential !!!
Let us take a quick glimpse of these potential challenges…
Taking a leadership position in the Global Services Outsourcing industry
Marketing to the international community
Ability to communicate success stories
Market fragmentation – internal competition
One single industry body
Intellectual Property Rights Protection
Compete or collaborate with other countries in the technology space
Leveraging the past successes and incorporating the best practices… |