Annual total cost for case i
•TPbi Annual total profit for case i
• Extra profit sharing for case 3 as compared to case 1 (=TPb3-TPb1).
Vendor’s parameters
•p Replenishment rate
•Cv Setup cost, $ per batch cycle
•Cvb Fixed cost to process each buyer’s order
•Pv Vendor’s unit cost
•Fv Inventory carrying cost percentage per year and per dollar
•TCvi Annual total cost for case i
•TPvi Annual total profit for case i
• Extra profit sharing for case 3 as compared to case 1 (=TPv3-TPv1).
Parameters for vendor and buyer
•a The demand rate scale parameter
•b The demand rate price-sensitive parameter
•di Annual price-sensitive demand rate for case i, ---------where
•TCi Annual total cost (TCvi & TCbi) for case i
•TPi Annual total profit (TPvi & TPbi) for case i
• Negotiation factor between the vendor and the buyer
•PTPIi Percentage of total profit increase for case i ------------with respect to case 1
Vendor’s average inventory level
Buyer’s total profit
Vendor’s total profit
Joint total profit
Numerical example
Case 3 is better than Case 1 10%, and both vendor and buyer get benefit
Concluding remarks (1/3)
•A collaborative pricing and replenishment policy is developed in a integrated inventory system.
•The buyer-vendor collaboration results in a significant total profit increase (3.6%-54.3%).
•The total profit increase can be shared using a negotiation factor, thus results in a feasible win-win strategy.
Concluding remarks (2/3)
•The reasons why there exists an increase in total profit from collaboration are as follows:
–lower unit price to the end consumer, resulting in increasing demand,
–higher demand rate increases the total profit,
–larger lot size reduces the buyer’s purchase price,
–larger annual production quantity decreases unit fixed production cost.
Concluding remarks (3/3)
•More significant for collaboration
–When the price-sensitive parameter, the holding cost, and the ordering cost increase,
–when the scale parameter, the negotiation factor and the replenishment rate decrease,
Q &A
•Thanks for your kind attention