Topic: The Influence of Outsourcing and Off-shoring on the Development of Industrial Clusters in the Light of International Experience
The influence of outsourcing and offshoring on the development of industrial clusters
Offshoring is defined as the movement of a business process done at a company in one country to the same or another company in another, different country.
Almost always the economic logic is to reduce costs.
Work is moved due to a lower cost of operations in the new location.
Offshoring can be seen in the context of:
uproduction offshoring, or
uservices offshoring.
The People's Republic of China, upon its accession to the World Trade Organization in 2001, emerged as a prominent destination for production offshoring.
After technical progress in telecommunications improved the possibilities of trade in services, India became a country leading in the services offshoring domain though many parts of the world are now emerging as attractive offshore destinations.
Offshoring in services emerged already in the late 1980s and early 1990s with the contracting out of tasks related to customer services.
Since then, services offshoring has moved on to a broader range of activities including:
Offshoring of services
The biggest service centers in Poland
Offshoring – major expected results for Poland
§Investments totaling to up to 10 billion USD within the next 5 years.
§50,000 new jobs (presently service centers in Poland employ approx. 10,000 employees as compared to 3,000 a few years ago).