outline of the speech (For more speech info,please feel free to contact us):
R&D Outsourcing Emerging Mixed Reality Simulation Technology Software
Dr. Bharat Soni
Chair & Professor, Department of Mechanical EngineeringThe University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)
Vice President of Research and Economic DevelopmentTennessee Tech University (Effective August 1, 2013)
Chairman, VSim-Global USA, India & China – International Collaborative Endeavor
21st Century Education
• Discovery, Innovation, Creativity, Global (In/Out Sourcing & Collaboration). Sustainability
• Multidisciplinary-Interdisciplinary
• Business + Engineering + Art + Humanities+ Environment + Biological Processes
• Critical thinking, Spirit of Generosity, Passion
• Soft Skill, Writing/Presentation, Expression of thoughts
• Emerging Societal Challenges , Security
• Project Based Courses
• Vertically Integrated (Sophomore – Senior – Graduate – Postdoc - Faculty Mentor)
• Community Service
• Multidisciplinary with Engineering and Non-Engineering Students Mix
• Team Work
• Entrepreneurship
Engineering: 14 Grand Challenges Outlined in Special NAE Report
The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) this year issued a report in which it attempts to identify the greatest engineering challenges humanity will face in this century. With input from people around the world, an international group of leading technological thinkers were asked to identify the Grand Challenges for Engineering in the 21st Century http://www.engineeringchallenges.org/.
1. Make Solar energy Economical
2. Manage the Nitrogen Cycle
3. Advance Health Informatics
4. Prevent Nuclear Terror
5. Advanced Personalized Learning
6. Provide Energy From Fusion
7. Provide Access to Clean Water
8. Engineer Better Medicine (Engineer Health Care Practice!!!)
9. Secure Cyberspace
10. Engineer the tools for Scientific Discovery
11. Develop Carbon Sequestration Methods
12. Restore and Improve Urban Infrastructure
13. Enhance Virtual Reality
Reverse Engineer Human Brain
Vision & Mission
Vision: To be a global leader in integrated information visualization and high fidelity science driven computational and physical simulations-based mixed reality learning/training tools, technology and domain-specific contents.
To Research & Develop and Market:
• A comprehensive Tool Kit with domain-expert friendly graphical interface for creating mixed reality learning/training contents–creating learning/training worlds without resorting to detailed programming.
• To develop the training, design, evaluation and analysis modules and software contents for a wide spectrum of education, military, healthcare, home-land security, civil infrastructure, entertainment, industrial, heritage and other related applications
• VSim – Virtual Simulations & Virtual Reality
• Key Emerging Technology for Game Design
• Applicable to wide-spectrum of Areas:
• Training & Education
• Military, Health-Care, First Responders,
• Sports, Construction, Manufacturing
• Design, Marketing, Fashion, Architecture,
• Media, Telecommunication, Heritage
21st Century Learner Tool& Visual Learning/Training Contents Visualization & VR-AR/MR Facility Infrastructure
• Immersive Visualization Environment
• CAVE-VisCube (Large Scale – Show Case & Training Environment)
• 3D TV with Tracking
• HMDS (Head Mounted Display System) with 3-DoF Tracking
• 3D Screen Options - computers and Palm Communication Devices
• High Resolution 3D Video devices
• Computational Simulations (With advent of high performance computers available today!)
• Digital Story Builders & Subject Matter Experts – Software/Engineering/Art/Music/Education/Science/Medicine
• Haptic Interfaces (Sense of Touch and Feel)
• Control Devices
• Motion Detection
21st Century Learner Tool & Visual Learning/Training Contents
Know-How Personnel with Expertis
Example – Marketing Public Transportation
Example – Health Care Training